Gem’s Journey – A Magical Rescue Story

Pregnant and stranded in a high-kill shelter, Gem’s transition to motherhood was a challenging one.  She was scheduled to be euthanized when a German Shepherd rescue stepped in to change her fate forever. And through the power of one simple word—“yes”—Gem’s life and future changed forever. But even though she was out of danger, poor Gem was still so frightened she had to be carried to the rescue van and into her foster home.

One week later, Gem gave birth to nine adorable puppies, six of whom were claimed by adoptive families as soon as they were old enough and three of whom, like Gem, waited patiently for a forever home.  The rescue’s “yes” had saved nine more lives.

Gem was a beauty, a pale blond shepherd with a frosted black saddle and a thin black strip on her forehead. Her eyes were soulful and kind, and underneath her quiet demeanor lived a regal soul. I asked her to describe herself and what she wanted in a home. She said simply that she was humble and shy and that her only desire was to feel safe. And while she was cautious, she warmed up to people once she became comfortable with them.

I asked Gem what she had gone through at the shelter, pregnant and alone. Her response: People don’t realize that we understand our plight and our situation. I knew I was pregnant and stranded. I knew my puppies depended on me and on the kindness of people I had yet to meet. It was a desperate time.

In her foster home, Gem worked hard on building her confidence.  She gained emotional strength and support from the two resident dogs, and she followed them everywhere when she wasn’t tending her puppies.

At the same time Gem arrived in our rescue, a husband/wife team put in an application. They had always had GSDs and their most recent, Schatzi, had been imported from Germany to join their current fur family that consisted of three small dogs and two cats. Schatzi was a character. He stole beer, carried the small dogs around in his mouth like lollipops, and toted a Barbie doll crown in his teeth. He visited dog parks frequently and attempted to play with his other pack members, but within weeks, his family knew that something was missing from his life. And they knew he needed a dog his size to play with.  So we scheduled a meet-and-greet for Schatzi, Gem, and the original five furry family members. Gem was a pro. It was like she knew she was home. Her shyness melted away, and she greeted the new “furmily” with grace and reserve. No feathers or fur ruffled in the process.

Gem was welcomed into the family and became Lily. Now, the “yes” that transformed ten lives expanded to touch seven more. The family reports that Lily fits in like she’s been there forever.  Schatzi no longer is tempted to enjoy a lolli-pup, has forsaken his Barbie crown for good, and has stopped stealing beer! And Gem’s life is no longer desperate.

Sandy’s Heartwarming Rescue Story

By the time the rescuing officer found her, she was skin and bones, extremely malnourished from her time wandering the streets alone. But slowly he nursed poor, neglected Sandy back to health, and soon life was good.

Sandy was a super sweet, super outgoing one-year-old black and tan female who had the odd habit of sitting with her feet jutting out like a ballerina in second position. She reveled in going on trips to the beach and dog parks, and just hanging out with her new dad. She was a perfect walking and running companion and mastered training and simple cues while in his care. She learned sit, stay, down, come, leave it, and in and out, but her favorite thing to hear was “good girl.” She loved other dogs, although she could initially be dog-selective as is common with some rescue dogs who haven’t had proper training and socialization, but she adored people and this super affectionate girl never wanted to leave her person’s side.

bebeWhen a sudden job change meant a long-distance move for her dad, Sandy’s fate was uncertain. Fortunately, Sandy’s dad contacted our German Shepherd rescue and she became part of a pack in one of our kennels where she enjoyed daily walks, playtime in the pool with other dogs, grooming, andmost importantlots of love while we searched for her forever home. Sandy was with us for about a month and won volunteers hearts with her loving personality. On picture day, several dogs waited their turn to be photographed for our website. Sandy was last in line and just couldn’t wait for her mug shot moment. She trotted up to the photographer and deftly licked the lens with her long tongue. And the photo opp must have worked because she caught the eye of a family who drove across two states to meet her. Now she spends her time racing around a huge fenced yard, chilling in her new air-conditioned home, lounging by her new pool, and partying with her new people. Congrats, Sandy. We know you’ll never want for anything again.

When I pondered the way that connected Sandy with her new home, I was told she has a heart with purpose. What I felt about the message was this: when one has a heart with a purpose, they have so much love to give that they may be paired with many people in order to give again and again. It’s a selfless journey, a humble undertaking, and a noble dedication. And just one more example of why dogs are so special. And one more reason why I am in love with Sandy’s heartwarming rescue story!