The Books

Devotion celebrates the magical connection between humans and their four-legged soulmates.

DEVOTION by Dobie Houson

Written by an animal communicator, this beautiful and heartwarming collection of short stories honors the love, courage, and unbreakable bonds these amazing teams share as they navigate life. Anyone who has ever looked into the eyes of their beloved animal companion and wondered what they were thinking will fall in love with this book. Dobie is a passionate animal lover and donates a portion of all proceeds to animal rescues and sanctuaries.






Award Winner – Four-Legged Wisdom takes you on an amazing journey into the hearts and minds of animals

Four_Legged_Wisdom_by_Dobie_Houson_book_cover-232x300Our companion animals are complex, sentient creatures who feel love, pain, and joy and are as invested in their life goals and life direction as we humans are invested in ours. In Four-Legged Wisdom: Sacred Stories from an Animal Communicator, the author, an animal activist and animal communicator, beautifully illustrates how we learn from our animal companions and how our lives are enhanced by their presence. Written to raise funds for animal rescues and sanctuaries, these stories show us that animals can be our wisest but often our most overlooked and misunderstood teachers. Journey into the hearts and minds of these amazing animals and learn the valuable roles they play in their human’s lives. These remarkable stories are about partnership, humor, healing, life, love, and needing one other. This book will touch your heart and open your mind to the gifts and lessons our animal companions bestow upon us every day.



Finding Forever – A Heartwarming and Joyful Must Read for Dog Lovers!

Finding Forever by Dobie Houson - Book Cover imageAnimals are wise and wonderful teachers. They show us, among other things, what it means to love fully, deeply, and unconditionally; to live without judgment; and to forgive even those who have hurt us most.

Anyone who has ever gazed into the soulful eyes of their animal companion and wondered what they were thinking will fall in love with the stories of these German Shepherds and their journey to overcome adversity, sometimes against all odds.

In Finding Forever, by author Dobie Houson, you’ll meet Gavin, a sensitive German Shepherd who tells the author, an animal communicator, that she has saved his life; and strapping Spartacus, who opens his wounded heart and finds the love of his life on Valentines Day; pint-sized Shepherds, Patience and Eve, both pregnant, both abandoned, and both on death row, illustrate the power of friendship and its ability to heal us and lift us up when all seems lost; then there’s Annika, a gentle bunny-soft shepherd whose message for the human race is that we must all expand our awareness and live life with a higher purpose.

These are just a few of the dogs you’ll meet and fall in love with in Finding Forever: The Dogs of Coastal German Shepherd Rescue, a collection of short stories that chronicles the hope, faith, and courage of twenty-six German Shepherds in search of their forever homes.

What can the human race learn from a pack of abandoned dogs? The answer might surprise you!


Praise for Finding Forever

Reading Finding Forever I found myself spellbound, sometimes forgetting to breath or catching myself cheering out loud. My emotions ran the gamut to the horror of what these blessed souls endured to my faith in the human race being restored. From deep contemplation, to at times sitting at the edge of my chair in absolute suspense with anticipation of the conclusion, the answer, the final chapter. The author’s ability to harness the message she receives from these animals, the skill to translate it and apply it to a life lesson is something we all need to pay attention to. She shares enlightened words of wisdom that if ignore, it will be our loss. I double dog dare you to read and not believe.

— Alissa Silva, Purr-veyor, Trends Fur Friends