Our animal companions teach us many things. They teach us to learn and love and laugh in ways that are more expansive and varied than we could imagine. When we take the time and make the effort to stop and communicate with them and understand their needs and purpose, our relationships with them take on deeper and multi-dimensional meaning and rich rewards. Read sample chapter.

Blitz is Houson’s first shepherd. Through him, she learns volumes about dogs and the German Shepherd breed. His sudden death at the age of seven becomes a catalyst for immersing herself into the world of German Shepherd rescue, and in doing so heals from the loss of her beloved dog. Read sample chapter.

Gavin is the first dog Houson brings home from Coastal. A beautiful adolescent male, Gavin initiates Houson’s healing process and is a catalyst, allowing her to release some of her grief.When it becomes clear that Gavin will never integrate with Houson’s new kittens she comes to the sad realization that she cannot keep him. Gavin communicates to Houson that she has saved his life and given him hope which raises her awareness about the true gift that rescuers give these dogs and the gifts they give us in return.

Wild at heart yet living a domesticated life, Klaus’s poignant tale is one of unrequited dreams until, after a year of waiting, he finds the home he has dreamt of. He reminds us all that we have a wild side to be explored, and if we are not afraid to do so our lives can take dramatic turns that will reward and enrich us. Read sample chapter.

A gentle giant who comes into Houson’s life when the female German Shepherd in his foster home begins picking on him. Legend appears to be the perfect fit for Houson’s family until he communicates that he wishes to return to his foster home. Legend is a role model of wisdom, compassion and dignified leadership. His story proves out the beautiful message that home is where the heart is. And he teaches us that what we put into the world is reflected back to us ten fold.

A sweet, senstive boy that Houson considers adopting, if it weren’t for his whopping prey drive and the danger to her kittens. Instead she takes him under her wing, squireing him around the weekly aoption events. When his first adoptive home comes with chicken’s things quickly go awry for the beautiful shepherd. He is returned but weeks later finds the perfect home. Kerberos illustrates the beauty and balance of being true to one’s inner nature and following one’s instincts. His story reminds us of the wisdom in seeing the big picture, where every action is part of a sequence of events that are perfectly timed, flawless, and whole.

A strapping, gladiator of a dog, Spartacus and his sister are unceremoniously abandoned by their family and dumped in a high kill shelter at the age of five. Broken-hearted, he demands and hordes attention and affection, but because his heart is closed off, no matter how much love he receives, it is never enough. Spartacus learns that in order to receive love fully he must open his heart, and in doing so, he finds the love of his life and his forever home on Valentine’s Day.

Reeling from abuse and neglect, Valiant is afraid of his own shadow. In his old home nothing he does is ever good enough. A caring neighbor intervenes and brings Valiant into Coastal’s care, where he heals emotionally and physically. Valiant’s story is symbolic of the forgiving nature of the animal kingdom. It serves as a gentle reminder that each of us comes into life with a plan, and that it is through the power of courage that we can manifest our hopes and dreams.

When Houson finds Giada wandering the streets, she wonders if fate has sent the gentle girl to her to rescue. Skinny and gaunt, it appears that the shepherd may have been a stray for weeks. When she places a call to the phone number listed on Giada’s identification tags, she learns that Giada isn’t a stray; her owner was simply unaware of how to properly care for her. Her powerful story illustrates that teachers are everywhere and that when it is time for us to grow and expand, the appropriate teacher will appear.

Patience and Eve
Patience and Eve
Pocket shepherds, these two pint-sized beauties travel parallel paths long before their lives converge. Both pregnant, both abandoned and both on death row, these two dogs face a desperate fate. Until they are united at Coastal, where they form a bond that nurtures their healing process and allows them to be adopted together. They symbolize the power of friendship and its ability to heal us and lift us up when all seems lost.

This is a heart-wrenching story of severe abuse, a painstaking recovery, and a remarkable outlook on life inspire all who hear it. Maggie’s powerful story reminds us of two things. One, that are not alone, that help is everywhere, assisting us to begin anew. And two, that we must all be proactive change agents in ending the cycle of abuse, speaking out for those who may not have a voice.

The author falls in love with Hanson, a dramatic, blue-tipped shepherd with golden eyes. But his obvious prey drive would threaten the safety of her kittens. Instead she forms a strong bond with him and spends event after event at his side until he finds his forever home. The author’s time with Hanson reminds her to treasure her deepest friendship and to savor the simple gifts and quiet moments, as these are the things that make life worth living.

A fuzzy canine comedian illustrates the power of humor to heal and elevate any situation. Fozzy comes to live with Houson while he searches fo the home of his dreams. He teaches Houson to suspend her judgment in regard to those that abandon their animals. He reminds us that not all relationships were meant to last and that sometimes one must experience several relationships before finding the one that is meant to be.

When one of Coastal’s dogs gets loose and runs away, she turns the rescue world and a community upside down facilitating her search and rescue. Wendy’s story reminds us of the power of teamwork and community forged through service and the achievement of a common goal.

When a dog with the biggest, sweetest heart imaginable needs heart surgery, Coastal’s network of benefactors dig deep to save her life. Coastal finds Sedona abandoned in a high kill shelter after her family learns about her medical challenges.. Sedona’s story represents the gift of giving and its power to save lives.

A bittersweet story of a beautiful puppy who suffers much abuse in the first six months of his life. Kieffer’s injuries and subsequent surgery come at a time when Coastal’s bank accounts are empty. But through the commitment of many, Kieffer gains a new hip and a new life in a forever home. His story is a beautiful testiment to the couragous and unwavering dedication of Coastal’s volunteers.

Pratt is a goofy soft-eared male who doesn’t play well with others which means that Coastal must find him a home where he can be an only child. He learns that he must clarify his vision of the perfect future and the perfect family, and then surrender to the universe’s timing. His message is one of trust, hope, and manifesting one’s heart’s desire.

A commanding and magnificent example of the German Shepherd breed, Ollie illustrates the beauty of the breed’s nature to protect, even when the one they are protecting is a virtual stranger. Inherent in Ollie’s story is the reminder not to judge without all the facts, because to do so is to come from a place of ignorance.

Neglected and forgotten, Murphy lives in a backyard chained to a tree. Stricken with scabies, his pelt has dwindled to a few scattered tufts. But Murphy refuses to let it get him down. Instead he approaches life with a happy-go-lucky attitude and invites others to do the same. In the end, Murphy is adopted by a kind gentleman who makes this sweet boy the center of his world. Murphy’s story illustrates for us that we have the power to choose our attitude, and in doing so we define each day.

Left unattended for three days in a high kill shelter, Eddie holds his urine to the point of renal failure. Once rescued, he lives happily in a foster home. Eddie is on the verge of being adopted when a tragic accident claims his life. Eddie’s story is a tribute to the power each of us has to making a difference through our simple acts of kindness, big and small, moment by moment, and day by day.

This bad-to-the-bone maverick is Coastal’s resident rebel. He breaks all the rules and defies the odds in the most endearing ways. When he finally finds a foster home, he escapes from his crate and creates havoc and adventure for his family. Matrix reminds us that sometimes we need to give into our rebellious nature and take a walk on the wild side in order to fully experience life.

Sleek, agile and gorgeous, Rohan’s owners originally purchased him to serve as an outside guard dog. But without training and guidance, Rohan owners come to the sad realization that they could no longer control his aggression. In Coastal’s care, Rohan begins to respond to the volunteers’ leadership and guidance. Slowly his aggression is replaced by curiousity and courage. But his progress put to the test during an outing to a wildlife preserve where Rohan comes face to face with his inner demons. Instead of retreating to old patterns, he rises to the challenge and in doing so, discovers a side to himself that he never knew existed and evolves into a new way of being.

A sweet adorable puppy comes to Coastal when her people lose their home. But this adorable pup has one flaw: she’s never been socialized, so she doesn’t know how to interact with her own species. Fear aggression causes her to try to attack almost every dog she sees. As a result, Reagan hasn’t played with another dog since she was four months old. But a seemingly random trip to a horse ranch offers her the opportunity to change her behavior and her life.

Annika, a sweet angel with four legs and fur, is abandoned by her people and left to wander the streets, scrounging for nourishment. She invites us to expand our awareness, to live life with a higher purpose, and inspire others to do the same. Her dream is that one day abuse and neglect will cease to exist, and as a result, our world will be transformed. Until that day, she will continue to be the change she wants to see in the world.